Chris Wicks Chris Wicks

Why a business should request insurance from a contractor

A certificate of insurance is a document that verifies the existence of an insurance policy and provides important information about the coverage it offers. By the insurance from a contractor, you can ensure that they have the necessary coverage to protect your business in the event of a claim, lawsuit or injury onsite.

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Chris Wicks Chris Wicks

How a Certificate of Insurance can protect your business

For businesses, having a certificate of insurance can provide valuable protection in the event of a claim or lawsuit. A certificate of insurance is a document that verifies the existence of an insurance policy and provides important information about the coverage it offers.

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Chris Wicks Chris Wicks

What is a COI and why you need them

COI’s or “Certificates of Insurance” are specific documents that contain necessary details for an insurance policy. The goal for the COI is to provide the policy status, show an overview of what is covered and by whom. The main importance is to protect third parties’ liabilities and litigation.

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