Five Reason why Certificates of insurance are essential

Disclaimer: you should always talk to your tax professional and or insurance agent for more detailed information or questions.

1: Shows insurance status.

                The COI show a quick glimpse overview of your policy and it serves as a proof of insurance without carrying your full policy around.

2: Allows you to provide quick and easy access to your information and policy.

                A COI provides an express version to show what policy you have and saves you hours sifting through documents a year.

3: Reduces and lowers liability.

                 Having proper documents filled out and filed will cut the lose of time in the event of something happening and getting the transfers timely to third parties.

4: Protecting yourself and your company.

                Looking for someone to do the work for you, always check to see if they are certified to do the work. Always check to see if your insurance policy against their policy. This could save you multiple circumstances where your company is at risk for liability and litigation and affecting the future of your company.

5: MySubTracker,

                With MySubTracker we make it easy to keep everything in one place and up to date. We take the worrying out of expiring policy and making sure you are always covered. From 2018-present day there has been 32%-56% of all small businesses are involved in at least one litigation with expired COI. These litigation can slow down your business and cost your business time and money trying to navigate through these litigation. With MySubTracker we are here to make sure you do not face any litigation and keep all your documents all up to date and in policy with your insurance companies and save you time and business.


What is a W9 and why we collect it


What is a COI and why you need them