Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a free trial period to test out MySubTracker before committing to a purchase?

Yes, there is a Free 14 Day Trial you can access by visiting and signing up.

How much does MySubTracker cost? Are there different pricing plans available?

MySubTracker currently is priced at $10 per month, with a limit of 20 contractors; anything above 20 contractors contact MySubTracker support. Pricing is subject to change depending on various factors and the value we provide for our customers. We are committed to being transparent about these changes and will communicate any adjustments in a timely manner.

How is my data stored?

MySubTracker stores your data in a cloud storage environment, backed by Google Cloud Services.

What is the refund policy?

MySubTracker does not have a refund policy. As a customer, you are given a free 14 day trial and then will be put into a month to month subscription.

Is MySubTracker Secure?

Yes. We at MySubTracker make it a priority to ensure your data is only accessible by you. By implementing Google cloud storage security best practices utilizing security rules, protocols, and multi-factor authentication between the cloud server and the application, the team at MySubTracker takes security very seriously.

How do I cancel my subscription?

You can login to your MySubTracker account, navigate to settings and deactivate your account. Once your account has been deactivated for 30 days, MySubTracker will delete all data associated with your account and your data will not be recoverable. If you wish for us to delete your data immediately, you can reach out to our team at

Access to Software Post Cancellation: Despite cancellation, you will continue to have access to the MySubTracker software until the end of your paid term. This means if you have paid for a service period, your access to the service does not cease immediately upon cancellation.

  • Monthly Subscription: if you are on a monthly subscription, your access will continue until your next monthly renewal date. Despite cancelling, you can still use the software until the date your subscription was due to renew the following month.

It's important to note that while your access continues, no further payments will be taken once you've cancelled, and your account will not renew again after the end of the current paid term.

What is A W9?

Form W-9 is used in the United States income tax system by a third party who must file an information return with the Internal Revenue Service. It requests the name, address, and taxpayer identification information of a taxpayer.

What is a Certificate of Insurance?

A Certificate of Insurance is a statement of coverage issued by the company that insures your business. It also serves as verification that your business is insured in case any potential clients request proof as a condition of doing business with you.

How does MySubTracker simplify my collection and tracking?

MySubTracker was developed to help business owners quickly request W9s and COIs from their contractors electronically. With automatic reminders, the contractors will be notified via email anytime there is a request for documents. When documents are set to expire, the business owner, the contractor, and the insurance agent will all be notified ahead of time to ensure the most up to date records are in the system. Lastly, as you go through workman’s compensation audits each year with your insurance carrier, you will easily be able to provide all of the necessary documents for the audit.

What is the best way to get in touch with MySubTracker?

The best way to contact us for any issues or feedback would be to email us at

Can I download my documents that are stored on my account?

Yes, you will be able to download the documents stored on your account anytime just by logging in and going to the Documents section.

How does the MySubTracker dashboard work? What features does it have?

The Dashboard acts as the home screen upon login into the software. It has three distinct panels of interest.

  1. The navigation panel where you can select the various areas to access in MySubTracker.

  2. The Expiration Listing Panel where all your upcoming documents that are expiring are listed in ascending order by document expiration date.

  3. The Pending Verification Panel where all your contractors sent documents or information for your approval.

How can I send requests for documents like W9s and insurance certificates using MySubTracker?​

As you add contractors with their email through the software, MySubTracker will send out an email request automatically to your contactors to access a private and secure portal. Inside that portal, your contractors can upload their documents such as W9s, insurance certificates, and update their contact information. Once the contractor makes updates in the portal, you as the account holder, will then have pending verifications on your “Dashboard” to review and approve/deny.

How does the verification process work for contractors' forms and information?​

When your contractor fills out their contact information and uploads their W9 or insurance certificates via the contractor portal; your dashboard will have pending verifications for you to review. Each of the verifications is separated for you, allowing you to review each record and approve/deny them. If approved, the documents and information are added to their contractor card; however, if you deny them, they are notified via email explaining what was denied and a link to re-access the contractor portal to fix whatever is needed. You will then receive a new verification to approve once they update.

Can I manage all my contractors in one place using MySubTracker?​

Yes, MySubTracker was developed to help users track all their contractors in the software. That includes their contact information, W9s, insurance certificates. MySubTracker also provides the user the ability to track expiration dates on those documents. In doing so, automated email reminders are sent out to the contractor requesting the new updated information. A user can access this information or documents anytime they log into the software and navigate to the “Documents” section. If you need the documents for an audit, tax purposes or anything else, it is easily accessible and can be downloaded in PDF.

How can I access my documents when I need them? Can I access archived forms from prior years?​

Any documents that have been loaded into MySubTracker can be easily accessible by login into the software, clicking the “Documents” on the Navigation panel and searching for your contractor. One you find the contractor folder; you can click on the folder to open it up and it will display all the forms both current and historical for you to access anytime you need it.

How does MySubTracker handle document expiration dates?​

If you input the proper expiration date on the documents you are storing in MySubTracker, the software will automatically send out email reminders to your contractors at the following intervals until they either load up a new document for the user or the user manually updates the forms. Automated email reminders go out 60 days before expiration, 30 days before expiration, 15 days before expiration, 1 day before expiration. If the user did not receive the new information prior to the document expiring, the software will then send out reminders daily until it is resolved.

Does MySubTracker send notifications when documents are about to expire? If so, who receives these notifications?​

Yes, MySubTracker automatically send outs reminder emails to the contractors when the document is approaching 60 days from expiring, 30 days from expiring, 15 days from expiring, 1 day from expiring and if nothing has been updated after it expired, the contractor will receive an automated email reminder every day until it is resolved. At any point in the process the document is uploaded by the contractor or the user, the emails will stop, and the new document expiration date will start to be tracked.

How can I sign up for MySubTracker?

You can sign up for a free 14-day trial by visiting

Can I download the forms into PDF format using MySubTracker?​

Yes, any of the documents stored inside MySubTracker will be downloadable in PDF format.

Does MySubTracker support any other document types besides W9s and insurance certificates?

Currently, MySubTracker provides the user the ability to track Form W9s, insurance certificates and general liability. There are plans in future releases to track additional documents as we receive feedback from our users.

What are the system requirements for using MySubTracker?

MySubTracker is a cloud-based software and is only accessible through the internet. If the user has an internet connection, they will be able to access and use the software with paid membership.

Are there any tutorials or guides available to help me get started with MySubTracker?

MySubTracker was designed to be extremely user friendly. On the Navigation panel inside the software, there is a “Support” button at the bottom of left side. That will take you to our support page where we have built out all the various steps you can do in MySubTracker. It can also be accessed Support Page

Is customer support readily available and responsive in case I encounter issues or have questions?

We have developed MySubTracker to be as user friendly as possible. We do have a support page that you can visit Support. That outlines almost all scenarios you could encounter inside MySubTracker. If there are additional issues outside of this support, we can be reached at and will respond in a timely manner to correct any issues.

Are there any long-term contracts or commitments? What if I want to cancel my subscription?

There are no long-term contractors or commitments. A user is either paying a monthly subscription fee or annual subscription fee. Should the user want to cancel their service, there is no refund; however, the user can access the software until their next renewal period. Please see the “How do I cancel my subscription” FAQ for more information.

How easy is it to onboard my contractors onto the MySubTracker platform? What is the process like for them?

Yes, onboarding your contractors is easy. Once you sign up for your trial or paid membership and log into the dashboard you will select the contractor button on the left-hand navigation panel. From there you will need to click on the “+” button to create a new contractor. A window will pop up allowing you to enter in the contractor’s name and email address. If you click create, an email will be automatically sent to the contractor providing them with a link to a secure portal. Inside the portal, they can update their contact information and load up any documents such as the W9, insurance certificate or business liability insurance. If the contractor completes these steps in their portal, you will then have verification steps on the main dashboard to review and approve. If you want to manually enter your contractor information and documents already on hand, you can select the “Don’t send email to contractor” when creating the contractor. That will create the contractor in the system; however, it will not send them an email to access the contractor portal. From here you can manually update their contact information in the contractor section and upload documents in the document section.

Can MySubTracker integrate with other software tools or services that I currently use?

Upon MySubTracker initial release, there will not be any integrations available; however, per our roadmap, we will be developing integrations for QuickBooks, Xero and possibly others in the future.

How reliable is MySubTracker? What is the uptime and are there any backup systems in case of a failure?

MySubTracker strives to provide a highly reliable service to all its users. However, due to various factors such as third-party services and networks, the uptime of our system is not fully within our control. While we do our best to ensure the highest possible uptime, we can't provide a guaranteed percentage.

That said, we have implemented robust backup systems and recovery plans to handle potential failures. We employ regular data backups and have redundancy measures in place to minimize downtime. In the event of an unexpected interruption, these systems help us restore our services as quickly as possible.

We remain committed to improving the reliability and resilience of MySubTracker and we continuously work with our partners to enhance the stability of the systems we depend upon.

What is the learning curve for using MySubTracker? Is it user-friendly?

MySubTracker was built with the idea to make it as easy as possible to use, saving the user time and energy when it comes to tracking their contractors.

How frequently is MySubTracker updated? Does it keep up with changes in regulations or industry standards?

MySubTracker will be continuously updated to keep up with changes in regulations and industry standards. Additionally, we will be developing additional features and functionality with feedback from our users as well as integration into various software that our users use to create a better experience and ecosystem.

What happens to my data if I decide to stop using MySubTracker?

If the user decides to stop using MySubTracker and cancels their subscription, the functionality will remain through the end of the user’s subscription period whether it be monthly or annual. Once the subscription period ends, the account will revert to read-only made for 30 days thus providing the user additional time to download any remaining documents. After the 30-day window, MySubTracker will completely delete the account and all associated documents, and nothing will be recoverable. Should the user wish to re-instate their account, they should reach out to our team and and request assistance in getting updated access.

Is there an option for on-premises deployment, or is it strictly cloud-based?

This is strictly cloud-based software and there will be no on-premises deployment. MySubTracker has been developed to be easy to use and provides a robust Support page to handle most issues.

Can I easily export my data from MySubTracker, if necessary?

Yes, any of your documents that you have stored inside MySubTracker are easily accessible via the “Documents” section. Any document, both current and historical, can be downloaded into PDF format at any time.

Can I easily export my data from MySubTracker, if necessary?

Yes, any of your documents that you have stored inside MySubTracker are easily accessible via the “Documents” section. Any document, both current and historical, can be downloaded into PDF format at any time.

Can I customize the features or interface of MySubTracker to suit my specific needs?

Current customizations inside MySubTracker are limited to the “Settings” page for “Business Name” and “Name to send emails with”. Also on the settings page, you can change the expiration intervals if you don’t like the 60/30/15/1 day. There are also contractor settings that you can select.

In the contractor documents, you can change the “Document Name” if you have a specific naming convention for your records.

If there are any other customization requests from a user, we invite you to provide feedback for future releases.

How does MySubTracker handle document expiration dates? Can it accommodate different requirements for different types of documents?

MySubTracker currently handles document expiration on an annual basis or project basis. Upon accepting a document from a contractor or manually uploading a document, the user is presented with the opportunity to select “Annual” and select the date the document expires or select “Project-Based”. If Annual is selected and a date entered, the document expiration date is automatically tracked in the software and automated reminders are sent out upon the expiration interval dates. If Project Based is selected, then no additional tracking is done since the project could be short or long term with varying dates. Any new documents received can be manually uploaded into MySubTracker and tracked accordingly. Older documents are archived and stored for access in the future if needed.

Can I delete documents in MySubTracker?

At this point in time, there is an option to delete documents in MySubTracker. If an incorrect document I loaded, the user can edit the document name to reflect an indication of error and can simply upload the new and correct document. This will cause the incorrect document to be archived and the new document in place for tracking. This current process prevents accidental deletions from the software.

How Many Users can access an account in MySubTracker?

Currently, there is only one user per account in MySubTracker; however, there are plans in the future to be able to add additional users to an account.

Can users like bookkeepers or accountants use one login to see and manage multiple accounts on a single screen?

We understand how convenient this feature is for the profession. Currently that is not an option in MySubTracker; however, this feature is currently in development and will be part of a future release soon.